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The Film Story for
'Future Past'

The image, however, is still clear before his mind, and he is not looking in front of him but down at the floor as he muses on it intensely - and there, just in his way, he sees a bar of soap just before his feet. Almost automatically he leans forward to pick it up as he is walking, and a strange sensation grips him as he is doing so. There is a sense of "having been here before", of déja vu, but not just once, no, more times than this, it feels. His body is overtaken by this inexplicable sensation, yet he carries on walking to the basin in front of him and places the bar of soap on an empty indented area designed for it between the hot and cold taps. And it was at that moment that Mario looked up and saw his face in the mirror, and he saw the most unbelievable thing that he had ever seen in his life. There, in the face upon the silvered glass, he saw a sequence of images flash before his eyes, so rapidly that he can hardly grasp them, though he sees every single one. It were as if he were seeing things within his mind, yet at the same time, and this is what it is hard to explain, as if he were seeing all this on the surface of the mirror itself - the face of half a dozen individuals, all of whose visages and bodies seem so familiar it were as if they were all his own, and he sees them, not as static and fixed in any particular, but each of them growing from young to old, from eight to eighty and over again with another, all the scenes of these persons lives flashing before him in the glass, before his inner consciousness. It is hard to say whether there was anything there for anyone else to see, for no-one else was in the room then. But this most unfathomable tunnel of images was accompanied by the knowledge, not mere belief but knowledge, that Mario himself had just experienced all this, that it was HE who had just become aware of one-third millennium of living, of regressions and advance, this repetitive cycle of return to youth.

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